5 Excellent Tips for Office Interior Designing (Part-1)
Vistaar Designs offers brilliant Office Interior Designing services in Delhi NCR from concept design till the final project handover. The Interior Designers at Vistaar Designs believe in the concept of an ‘environmentally sustainable office design’ that is low in terms of carbon foot print and helps in terms of energy efficiency with enhanced employee morale.
Either a new office setup is to be started or refurnishing an old setup, the most tedious part is the efficient interior designing. Being one of the most trusted companies for Office Interior Designing services in Delhi NCR, we believe that an office is not just some setup of furniture and electronics devices. Actually it is factory of constantly churning ideas! The Office Interiors should encourage the working professionals for efficient working.
There are many factors related to Office Interior Designs which enhances the productivity of working professionals or the employees of an office. Here are some significant points to consider while designing your office.
- Furniture: Get healthy furniture options for the office. Select the furniture wisely; it should be stylish as well as comfortable. If anyone compromises with body comfort, it ultimately affects the health. The chair on which you will be sitting whole day has to be comfortable. There should be customized furniture for employees, conference room and pantry differently. Choose cabinets and desks having a lot of storage space.
- Storage Space: Any regular office contains a variety of objects which are needed to run their business smoothly. The storage part of the office should be adequately designed. Put your cabinets smartly which should be easily accessible and use tables with spacious drawers which can be used to keep a significant amount of material. Try to make the workstations embedded with storage pieces like drawers and filing cabinets. Smart office interior designers use horizontal filing cabinets for easy access and to reduce the clutter of office.
- Light & Ventilation: An office should be well lighted, better if uses natural light mostly. Windows and curtains to be strategically implemented to lighten your office and flow of natural air. Smart installation of CFLs and LEDs lights is very crucial. Implementation of designer lighting will better to the overall ambiance of your office.
- Color Scheme: Usage of formal or sober color is highly recommended. If too much vibrant colors are used, it may distract the calmness of the employees.
- Space Allocation: Different departments of an office require different space area. While doing office interior designing, the requirement of space for the respective department is needed to be understood thoroughly. Primarily, it depends on the total number of employees who are going to work in that office on regular basis.
Having spent a significant time in the industry while providing Office Interior Designing services in Delhi NCR, we understand how complicated it is to carry out interior designing of your own office. Let this complex task get executed by the true professionals, who can offer end-to-end solutions efficiently. Call Vistaar Designs at +91-9873437780 for Office Interior Designing services now.